Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Picture Catch-up (June and July so far)

Hattie's first time swimming.. We are at the YMCA in Waukee.

Swimming was no big thing for Hattie. She loved kicking in the water.

Daddy's attempt at rocking her to sleep. Notice her eyes are still wide open. :)
Pretty girl!

Father's Day weekend.

Emmett has recently learned to take his shoes off and then tries to put them back on.. or someone else's! Will he ever be big enough to fill Daddy's shoes? :)

Reading together before nap time.
What Emmett made Daddy at Dragon Tots for Father's day.. #1 Dad mug! Also the cutest paper tie I have ever seen. Not pictured was a frame with pictures of the two of them holding the letters D-A-D. So cute, I don't know how they do it all!
Mommy's first week back at work full-time, June 17th. Still a happy girl!
Tummy time, cheese!
Back time! Hattie has scooted under the coffee table.. luckily her head is still small enough that she hasn't run into it.. yet!

Ready for bed!
Hattie ready for bed after her bath. Trying to sit up so hard!

My friend Crystal's wedding - June 29th.

Adventureland - July 2nd.
Riding the train with Daddy.
Riding the carousel with Mommy!

In the chuck wagon with Mommy & Aunt Katrina.

On the convoy with Daddy.

In line for the teacups.. our last ride before heading home for a 4 hour nap! We have a good little sleeper. :)

We came back in the evening to hit up a few more rides and brought Hattie along too.

4th of July! Watching the Urbandale parade..
Amanda, Dawson, and Baby W! :)

Hanging in the backyard on the 4th.

A little baby pool time..

The water table..

Celebrating Bob's retirement with a family picnic.


We had a busy past few months to say the least.. and I wouldn't have it any other way! The kids are changing so much.. It is so much fun to see. We are really enjoying being a family of four and are completely settled in. Life is good.. :)


  1. Love all the pics. The kiddos are so so so cute! I don't know how you don't kiss them constantly. Hattie's thighs rock and I love all of her adorable outfits. Squish!! Such a big girl sitting up and rolling over!

  2. Thanks Sar! It is going by so fast.
