Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hattie is 5 Months Old!

Our baby girl is 5 months old as of June 30th. She is so much fun. She loves to kick kick kick, arch her back and smile at Mommy, Daddy & Emmett.
  • Hattie can now roll over as of June 24th. She will roll from side to side on the floor and rolls over periodically.
  • Her favorite place to play is on the floor, mostly on her back but she also endures playing on her tummy. She can scoot on her back quite a ways. When we leave her to play for a few minutes we sometimes come back to find her under a table or across the room. :)
  • She has recently found her feet and holds onto them frequently.
  • Hattie is talking more. She opens her mouth wide and makes noises moving her tongue around. She has recently started in with "Mmmms". Maybe she will say Mama soon!
  • She really wishes she could sit up on her own. You can tell that it frustrates her that she cannot see everything around her. We help her sit up often with minimal help but she cannot do it all on her own just yet.
  • Hattie enjoys playing much more now. She is always interested in what her brother is up to. She likes to play in her jumperoo. Her fine motor skills are improving rapidly and she can spin and grab all of her toys. She is also entertained by her mobile in her room and the ceiling fan.
  • Her night time sleep is pretty good. I really shouldn't complain because once she goes to sleep she is down until 4:30am at the earliest. She usually goes down sometime around 8pm and gets up between 4:30 and 6:30 for her first feeding.. then usually goes back to sleep for a short time. The problem we are facing right now is that it takes some time for her to settle down. For the last 3 weeks when I put her down she always gets back up - sometimes up to 4 times before she is finally down for the night. Starting today we have decided to let her cry herself to sleep so she can learn to self-soothe. She has this issue at nap time as well. Today she cried for 15 minutes before finally falling asleep for her morning nap.
  • Still no teeth but she has started to gnaw on her hands and wrist more so they must be coming soon.
  • Hattie is eating 1 oz of cereal per day and still nurses/takes a bottle 6 times a day. We'll plan to introduce more baby food once she turns 6 months old.
  • She is still in size 3 diapers and 9 month clothing although she does wear some 12 month as well.
We look forward to a better and more consistent sleep schedule without rocking her to sleep.. :) I hope this next week or so while she is learning to self-soothe goes quickly. It is hard to hear your baby cry! We'll get through it though and it will be better for her in the long run. And I hope Emmett can sleep through it too! :)

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