Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hattie is 6 months old!

Hattie Jeanne is 6 months old today. It is really hard to believe that she has already been in our lives for 1/2 of a year. She'll be celebrating a birthday in another 6 short months!
  • Hattie is now sitting up. She sometimes falls over so we always have her on a soft surface. She is typically very steady though.
  • She has a new tooth! As of July 27th we noticed a few white dots pushing through and it has now come fully through. It is her bottom right tooth. She has not been extremely fussy with this tooth and is very good at manipulating teethers, which make her feel better.
  • Hattie rolls onto her tummy all the time. We can't keep her on her back for more than 1 minute. While we still always put her down to sleep on her back we find her on her tummy 100% of the time when getting her out of bed.
  • She has been enjoying eating cereal 1x per day at lunch time and is now up to 1-2oz. We are starting to introduce some baby food too. Tonight she tried a little sweet potatoes. She wasn't quite sure about those!
  • She also has her own high chair now and loves it. I had put Emmett's chair away for a few months hoping he would sit in a booster seat at the table. However, when I brought it back up for Hattie to use recently he exclaimed, "My chair!". Now we have one at each end of the table and they love looking at each other during supper every evening.
  • At this point Hattie is on a pretty regular schedule. As of last weekend she goes down much easier for naps and bedtime (hardly any crying, yay!). She typically takes 2 naps a day - one from 9-10/10:30 and another in the afternoon with Emmett from about 1-3:30. They actually sleep in the same room at Dragon Tots. It is awfully sweet and I think they enjoy that. She goes down for bed around 8pm and gets up typically around 5:30/6am.
  • Hattie is a very smiley and happy girl. She is starting to express how well she knows her Mommy and Daddy. She likes to be able to see Mommy, but Daddy always makes her smile and laugh.
  • She doesn't do a lot of talking at this point but is very interactive with her facial expressions. She says MMMmmm at times but we are still waiting on any "dadas" or "babas", etc.
  • Her favorite place is still the floor for playtime. She is very active and is getting stronger every day. She is content in her jumperoo and her high chair as well.
  • Hattie still nurses 6x per day: once in the morning, 3 bottles at daycare, once when we get home and then once before bed.
  • She still fits into 9 month clothing but some are pretty tight so we mostly have her in 12 month clothes at this time. She is wearing size 3 diapers. I would guess her weight to be in the 20 lb range but we will find out at her six month appointment next week.
Hattie is so much easier now at 6 months of age. As long as she is fed and well rested she is a super happy little baby! I am reminded each day of how much I love this baby stage. Life doesn't get much sweeter than having our little girl in your arms!

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