Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July!

Charles City has a pretty big 4th of July celebration every year. So we went back not only to celebrate the 4th but also for my 10 year class reunion. It's hard to believe it has already been 10 years since high school but a lot has changed. There were a ton of new babies at the reunion.

It's not easy to get a good picture of four friends and their babies!

Notice that even when I turned in an attempt to get Emmett to look at the camera he didn't take his eyes off of Drew!

Two great dads!

Emmett and his new love interest, Gwen!

It was great to catch up with friends and also to visit my family. We were even able to sneak away for a few hours and leave the little one with Grandma Pat and Grandpa Frank. It was nice to have a little break and spend some time with my husband and friends :)

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