Wednesday, July 20, 2011

2 Months!

Our little man is now 2 months old! He has grown to be apx 12 pounds. He has his 2 month check-up tomorrow so I am anxious to see how long he is! A lot has been going on in his life recently...
  • He is still wearing his 0-3 clothing but it is getting short/tighter depending on the brand. Most of them say that they are for 8.5-12 pounds - which would mean they should be getting small on him - but with his long figure he is just growing into some of them so we might be in 0-3 for a while yet. We'll see..
  • Emmett has recently started to sleep in longer stretches. If I am lucky he has a morning and an afternoon nap now. Of course this all depends on the day.. but, it does make Mommy very happy since it makes it easier for me to get something (anything) done. Last night he slept from 10pm - 3am and then was up again at 6am. So he was only up twice. Technically it also means he is sleeping through the night since he slept for 5 hours straight. It is very exciting for Mommy and Daddy!
  • He is learning to "coo" and make noises..
  • He had his first "blow-out" at Grandma & Grandpa Rottinghaus' over the 4th of July. He went straight to the sink for a bath. It was a new experience for us.. and for him as well since he usually takes baths in his little baby tub at home. :) Of course we still love the little stinker.. even when he makes big messes!
  • His first mole appeared a week or two ago just above his right knee. 
  • He recently met his only cousin, Henry, as well as his Aunt Anne and Uncle Richard. Henry is a lot bigger (just turned 1 year old) and wilder than Emmett is. Watching him was so exciting it made Emmett very tired. He is looking forward to getting a little bigger so they can play together.
  • Emmett is learning to smile more at Mommy and Daddy. He is particularly happy in the morning right after he has eaten breakfast. :) We like to lay in bed and talk and laugh together for a few minutes each morning.
  • He has a new toy that he is able to grasp and hold on to - Mommy's rattle from when she was a little baby. Grandma Pat says that they just don't make them like they used to.. so she found Mommy's rattle in the basement and gave it to Emmett. He holds it and waves it around. We're still not sure if he's really aware of what he's doing with it. :)
  • He has recently discovered his feet, toes, and hands. He likes to suck on his hands. Every once in a while we will catch him gazing at his toes in amazement. :)
  • Emmett was recently baptized on July 17th. He also had his first party on July 16th - a shower in his honor at our house. We'll have to tell you more about these events a little later..


  1. I can tell he is filling out. That is a good idea to take his picture with the owl next to him each month, it gives a gauge of how he is growing. Sorry we missed his big day on Sunday. I look forward to seeing you all again soon, maybe at the fair, or at the wedding.

  2. Wow, he has changed so much in the last month! We need to get together soon for a little bbq or something, or maybe when hawkeye season starts we can get together and bbq. Sorry we couldn't make it last weekend!

