Monday, April 18, 2011

Boshart Family Shower

On March 26th, we were blessed to have Rustin's aunts throw a baby shower for Shim.

I was a little bit too excited about the cupcakes his cousin's wife, Holly made. She is starting her own cupcake business that you can read about here. These were literally the best cupcakes I have ever had. The almond with the blue baby bottles were my favorite. Luckily, some leftovers made their way home with us. :) It may be a good thing that Holly's business is located in Iowa City.. otherwise, I might have a problem.

Rustin's cousin Dale kept himself busy pouring the punch.

We received many generous gifts at the shower for which we are very grateful. Rustin's sister Katrina gave us the sweetest little sprintcar onesie. Obviously "Dad" was a big fan of this! It reads "Daddy's Little Racer". Very cute!

We had a great afternoon filled with food, fun, and most importantly time with family. :) Shim is very loved!

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