Saturday, April 30, 2011

Waiting for Baby Nelson

The countdown is on. 8 days until our actual Due Date.

When we were at Rustin's sister Katrina's for Easter last weekend we had the opportunity take a video of the Nelson family and find out what we were all most looking forward to with the arrival of Baby Nelson.

Now we just have to wait..

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shim's Charles City Shower

On April 9th Shim had a lovely shower in Charles City hosted by my wonderful Aunt Michelle (above). She made lots of sweet treats for me and the baby to enjoy. I may have over-indulged just a little bit..
Momma (me) and baby (Shim) duck. Aren't they cute? They also light up. I have a feeling Shim will enjoy playing with these ducks in the bathtub for many years to come.
Megan and Amanda also hosted the shower with Michelle. I was a big fan of the owl shower invitations, owl topped diaper cake, and the cakeballs that Amanda made.. yum!
Me & my Momma :)
Old friends are the best.. :) This was also our first time meeting Sarah's baby, Gwen. She is so precious.. and very well-behaved. I was glad and happily surprised that she and her mommy were able to attend our party, considering she was only 2.5 weeks old!
It's still hard to believe I will be holding my own in no time at all..
Laura and her mom gave me the sweetest little stuffed owl. It has found an appropriate place of prominence in the baby's room. SO cute! My mom found the cutest line of owl toys for the baby as well. The "activity gym" was something we were looking to get at some point in time but hadn't looked into it yet. This will be perfect for tummy and floor time! Not to mention that it goes with our theme! :)

38 Weeks

It is hard to believe that we are at 38 weeks! This basketball beachball of a belly is soon going to be yielding a sweet little baby boy or girl!! :)

Just for fun,
You know you are 38 weeks pregnant when...
You walk down the hall and someone walking towards you steps into the coat closet to make room so you can pass...
Not even your maternity clothes fit you anymore..
You go to the bathroom a minimum of two times per night..
You sleep with your mouth open the majority of the time..
There is no longer room for your belly while you kneel at church..
You have sudden bursts of energy.. and then can barely keep your eyes open..
You have to move your phone and keyboard closer to your chair so you can reach them while working..
You add something new to your honey-do list every time your husband turns around.. sorry sweetie!
You've never been so ready to see your sweet little baby.. but have to try to hold it together for another 2-3 weeks..

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy 30th Birthday Rustin!

Happy Birthday to my sweet husband! I am looking forward to seeing what adventures your next 30 years will bring us on our journey together!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Nursery

It is finally finished..
I hope a certain someone likes owls :)

Boshart Family Shower

On March 26th, we were blessed to have Rustin's aunts throw a baby shower for Shim.

I was a little bit too excited about the cupcakes his cousin's wife, Holly made. She is starting her own cupcake business that you can read about here. These were literally the best cupcakes I have ever had. The almond with the blue baby bottles were my favorite. Luckily, some leftovers made their way home with us. :) It may be a good thing that Holly's business is located in Iowa City.. otherwise, I might have a problem.

Rustin's cousin Dale kept himself busy pouring the punch.

We received many generous gifts at the shower for which we are very grateful. Rustin's sister Katrina gave us the sweetest little sprintcar onesie. Obviously "Dad" was a big fan of this! It reads "Daddy's Little Racer". Very cute!

We had a great afternoon filled with food, fun, and most importantly time with family. :) Shim is very loved!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shim's Showers

In March my department had a baby shower for me as well as for my coworker Krista, due April 20th. I am very excited for Krista and Kadin who are actually expecting their baby girl to be delivered this week.

We had a great afternoon with punch, cake and many well wishes from our co-workers.

Rustin's co-workers also had a gathering in honor of Baby Nelson's impending arrival.
We went out for drinks (raspberry tea for me!) and dinner. We always have a great time with them and this was no exception.

36 Weeks

We are in the home stretch! Four weeks to go. I can hardly believe it. Rustin and I are going to try to enjoy these last four weeks. We will also use them to finish up any last minute details. I am feeling great!! My only complaint this week is that sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night I am unable to fall back a sleep for an hour or more. I think my mind is just racing with thoughts about our baby. :) I wish I could learn how to turn my mind off sometimes.

Just for fun, here my dad and I are before I left Charles City to head home to Des Moines today. This was my last trip home without baby in tow. My dad has lovingly started to refer to the baby as "Shim". My mom actually spells it S/him because it is a combination of the words she and him. This nickname for baby Nelson has actually stuck and Rustin and I have been using it. Luckily it will have a much nicer permanent name just as soon as Shim is born! It won't be long now.. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

35 Weeks

I must be getting tired.. because I am saddened to say that I missed our 34 week photo. Here I am at 35 weeks. This is the first week where I have started to have some "complaints". My feet are starting to ache and my hips have been bothering me. I'm not sure if it is from them "spreading" as people say or if it is a result of trying to sleep on my side every night ("they" say this is best for the baby). Either way, I am more achy overall than I have been at any point in the pregnancy thus far.
At my appointment last week, the doctor confirmed that our Little Nelson is head down. I think he/she has actually been that way for the majority of my pregnancy. However, it is good to know that Baby is positioned for birth! He also informed me that I haven't dropped yet. That is good since we have a few more weeks to go at a minimum.
Rustin and I have been attending a 4 week childbirth class. It has been very informative, but also a little bit out of our comfort zone (at least mine). It seems strange to practice breathing and relaxation techniques when I am in absolutely no pain at the time. However, since we are hoping to have a completely natural birth I think it is a vital skill that I need to embrace as it will be helpful in dealing with the pain when it finally comes.
It is hard to believe that we are so close to seeing our sweet babe. It's also hard to believe that I have an apx. 5 1/4 pound (according to the average) baby inside this big belly. :) I know he or she will be here before we know it!
We have been busy with preparations for the baby in the last couple of weeks and I am preparing to reveal the nursery to you very soon.
Here are some sneek peak photos...

My mom and Dad came down for a weekend in March to help us prepare for the baby. Sometimes there are things that break or need repair in our house that cause Rustin and I to say - We need Frank! What are grandpa's for, right? Here, Rustin is helping my dad hang the curtains. Hopefully he was able to pick up a few handy tips from him along the way. We are learning.. :)


Now there are other predicaments in my life that cause me to say - I need my mom! LIke some decorating decisions, for example. We are blessed that she was able to make the curtains for the baby's room (along with just a few other items to be revealed at a later date..). Here she is admiring her handy-work. Aren't they pretty? They are even lined so that Baby can get a good nap in during the middle of the day. 

Group picture! We had a great weekend with them and I was able to feel much more prepared by the time it was over.