Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Emmett is 1 Week Old

I caught this picture of him smiling in his sleep this morning in his Daddy's arms. No "real" smiles yet of course.. but we look forward to that time! :)

This week has been crazy and one that I hope we will never forget.

Emmett Robert, I hope to always remember..
Your curly que collick..
Your pouty lower lip..
Your long toes and big feet
The smelly gas you had in your first days home..
How excited we were about your first bowel movement at home..
Learning to change your diaper without getting peed on (we are still working on this one)..
That you were our little glowworm during your janudice treatment
The way you eat with such vigor..
And get upset when your own hands get in the way
Waking up with you in the night and being able to comfort your cries..
The first time Daddy said "we" and was talking about the three of us
How you have changed the way our home feels..
You have taught Mommy and Daddy to love more completely than we ever have before..

We love you, Little Man and are so glad you are finally here. You have changed our lives in ways we have never imagined.. and we are forever blessed by your presence.


  1. OMGGGGGG I couldn't love this picture ANY.MORE. dfklajroajrilajfioanm!!!!!!!!:)

  2. He is a little angel, a perfect combination of Libby and Rustin!!!!!

  3. Aww love that pic! Your future holds so many cherished moments like this! So nice that you caught this picture perfect moment!
