Sunday, January 24, 2016

Felix, 9 months

Since I never posted his 8 or 9 month update here's a few things I remember:

  • His first tooth popped through the day he turned 8 months old! He second tooth popped through the next day. haha. He hasn't gotten any teeth since then (he's now 10 months old)
  • He clapped a few times around the end of November (11.30.15) at 8 months old.
  • He began saying Mama on 11/24/15 at 8 months old as well. He reserves "mama" for when he is hungry or tired or just can't see me and wants to know where I went!
  • He's been doing a lot of rolling around on the floor these months. 
  • He still does not get his knees underneath himself to get crawling!
  • Eats lots of baby food but has begun to sometimes spit it out.

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