Sunday, June 21, 2015

Felix is 3 months!

Felix turned 3 months old on June 18th 2015. 
  • He is such a smiley and happy boy. Even if he is super tired or getting hungry he will still smile for us at times.
  • He's a good baby. Very easy to take care of. He doesn't cry very often. One of our daycare providers told me this week how lucky we are that we have such a good baby. I, of course, agreed!
  • Felix continues to keep most of his hair and it seems to be getting a little bit longer and curlier. I couldn't love it any more.
  • He has gotten better with sleeping. There have been several nights where he's made it until 4am. 
  • I'm finally trying to transition him into sleeping in his crib. I transitioned Emmett and Hattie both by 6 weeks. For some reason I was hanging onto this little snuggle bug a little bit longer.. So, I think that has impacted his sleep some as well. The crib isn't quite as cozy as the rock 'n play, apparently. 
  • His head control seems to be getting a lot better. He can hold his head up a lot better when I am holding him on my hip. He has also endured sitting in the bumbo for a short period of time.
  • He is a lot more interactive. He has quite the likable and sweet personality so far. He looks around a lot more enjoys short periods of time on his play mat or laying on a blanket on his back. 
  • Felix still wears size 2 diapers and is wearing size 3-6 month clothing. 
  • He seems to have plumped up quite a bit in the last month. We haven't weighed him since May 1st (the last time he was at the doctor) so I don't know how big he is exactly but i would guess him to be 14-15 lbs.
  • He survived his first trip to Charles City on May 30th to visit Grandma and Grandpa Rottinghaus. Felix was pretty much a dream traveler. His brother and sister, however, were a different story.
  • His favorite word continues to be "ah goo". 
  • He loves taking baths and now kicks and splashes in the water. 
  • He likes it when mommy does silly things like dances with him, pushes his feet up into his chest after diaper changes, and just when trying to make him laugh in general, it usually works unless you've caught him at a bad time (like dinner time or nap time).
  • His naps are still pretty sporadic, taking at least 3 naps a day - morning, afternoon and evening.
We've enjoyed getting to know Felix these first 3 months. He fits into our family so well. The kids just love having a little brother although they are sometimes a little more rough than I'd like (Emmett mostly). But, overall I think it's just because they get so excited around him, so it could certainly be worse! We are just so grateful to be blessed with such a beautiful and healthy little boy. We couldn't ask for anything more. 

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