Sunday, June 29, 2014

Emmett Turns 3

Emmett Robert turned 3 on May 16, 2014. He had a good day at Dragon Tots and brought Mike Wazowski hats and chocolate cupcakes with blue frosting for his birthday celebration there. Of course he was the one that refused to wear the a hat! He can be a little a little arnery, but mostly I think he is unsure about all the attention he receives on a special day like his birthday. We practiced the night before. I would say "Happy Birthday, Emmett" and he was supposed to smile and say "Thank you!" After 2 times he said - "Mommy, not until tomorrow!"

We had a low-key birthday party with our families on Saturday. We went to the mall and played, then had pizza and cake at home. Here are a few pictures from the day...

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