Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hattie is 9 Months Old!

Hattie turned 9 months old today. We celebrated Halloween tonight with her first trick or treating outing. Pictures to follow..
  • This little girl loves to wave! Every time we tell her to say "bye-bye" her little hand starts moving up and down. It is so sweet.
  • She is starting to talk a little bit - She can say Mama, Dada - she also says " Ni-ni" for ni-night etc.
  • Hattie can pull up to her knees. She tries so hard to pull all the way up to standing but isn't quite there yet. She is so curious and pulls up on just about anything including coffee tables, drawers, and Mommy's leg.
  • She has started to crawl as well. She isn't quite moving all the way across the room in a crawling motion but she can get all the way across the room through a combination of movements over time. She will crawl a little bit and then drop down, go back to sitting, roll over, etc. If she sees something she really wants she goes after it.
  • Each time I go to get Hattie out of bed in the morning or from a nap she is sitting up quietly playing. She hardly ever makes a peep when she wakes up so we have to check on her periodically to see if she is sitting in her crib awake.
  • She is awfully stingy with her smiles. The sweet little girl likes to hold out for her favorites - Mommy, Daddy & Emmett. She often will give strangers a blank stare, or sometimes if she is afraid that Mom/Dad might leave she will give them her pouty lip. Please don't take offense! You can say that separation anxiety is in full effect.
  • She really enjoys daycare. Hattie loves Jessica, Lucy and Fabi that take care of her every day. I think she also enjoys seeing all of the kids play, sing songs, etc.
  • Hattie is still wearing size 12 month clothing although some brands are getting short and she is wearing size 4 diapers.
  • She weighed in at 21 pounds 6 ounces (87th percentile) and was 30 inches long (>97th percentile - tall girl!) at her 9 month appointment.
  • Her 3rd tooth came in on October 16th. It was her lower right lateral incisor. No top teeth yet which is not the order that Emmett's came in.. They are different babies, that is for sure!
  • Hattie has moved on to "real people food". She enjoys trying new tastes and textures and was getting quite bored with baby food. We still give her some baby food at each meal but I thinks he prefers real food. I hope to wean her off of baby food within the next couple of weeks or so.
9 months is such a great age. We enjoy Hattie beyond words. She is a sweet little Mommy's girl. She loves chasing her brother around and being with her family.

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