Sunday, November 11, 2012

29 Weeks

Hello third trimester! I cannot believe I am here again. It seems like just yesterday I was 28 weeks along with Emmett. I am starting to feel larger lately and my stomach has begun to itch, so I know it is definitely growing. I haven't been bothered as much by the discomforts being this large brings this time around.. I think it is because I don't have as much time to consider them this time around. I am starting to feel anxious about getting ready for our baby girl's arrival. My parents came down this weekend and helped us install the chair rail for Emmett's new room. We have yet to sand, prime, paint and install a few book shelves as well as sand and paint the dresser for his room. I am putting together a headboard which we got the materials for this weekend. I also need to get some frames to put the art work up on the walls. Ok, now that I have that list maybe we can start to cross a few items off soon! Rustin and I have also been busy trying to study for tests that we are each taking for work. SO once those are done we hope to focus on getting ready. Rustin takes his test on Thursday of this week so it will be nice for him to be done and mine is not until December 14th. Baby sounded good at our 28 week appointment on Friday. My weight gain has been about the same as it was with Emmett so far. I try not to worry about it. We saw Dr Kaufmann and she said that our little girl feels head down although they normally don't worry about that this early. My iron levels are back up to normal but I am continuing with the iron supplement in addition to regular prenatal vitamins. She was sleeping at our appointment with a heartbeat of 138. I thought I would be seeing the doctor every two weeks now but with this being my second pregnancy I actually won't start that for another month. So, we'll be going back at 32 weeks. Then every two weeks from there and every week starting at 36. This pregnancy is going by so fast. I would like it to slow down just a little bit.. surprisingly. I am enjoying being pregnant at this point. I still sleep pretty well and can get around fine. Carrying Emmett gets a little more tiring every week but I will be able to manage throughout the duration of this pregnancy. I do find myself handing him off a little more willingly recently though. I am getting more and more excited about meeting our baby girl. However, I am also trying to relish in the peacefulness and joy of being able to get a good night's sleep, spend time cooking, reading etc. Just about 11 weeks until we meet her!

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