Friday, October 26, 2012

26.5 Weeks


I am 26.5 weeks pregnant with Baby Nelson #2. She is doing just great. I can hardly believe I am almost through my second trimester. This pregnancy is going very fast. At my 24 week appointment I passed my glucose test (glad that is over) and was found to be slightly anemic so I am currently taking an iron supplements. I recently battled a cold that then turned into a sinus infection causing pain in my teeth and cheeks. It finally seems that the second round of antibiotics I have been prescribed are working and the pain is starting to go away. Hopefully this will be the only medicine I have to take during this pregnancy although I would have preferred to take none at all.
We have a name for our little girl but have decided to keep it a secret. It is one of the many benefits that we are experiencing have found out the gender this time around. It is fun to call her by name. :)
Emmett now says "baby" and points to my stomache. I'm sure he doesn't fully understand. He is excited about his "big boy" room that we are preparing for him to move into in the next 2 months and I think (and hope) that he is too little to be jealous or not like his sister when she arrives; although I expect they will both have their moments.

Hopefully I am better about taking pictures of this little girl when she is born than I have been about taking pictures during my pregnancy with her! I will try.

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