Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Recap.. In Pictures

Our Christmas this year began the weekend before at Grandma and Grandpa Nelson's house..
Little Emmett was dressed just for the occassion. :) Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling the best that weekend. We found out on Monday morning that he had another ear infection. We still had a good weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's despite Emmett being under the weather.
 Not pictured.. Rustin.
On Christmas eve day we spent time as a family (just the 3 of us) going to visit Santa. We had a lot of fun going to Bass Pro Shops where we saw Santa! They gave us a free 4x6 photo and also allowed us to take our own pictures. Emmett didn't seem to mind Santa. We also purchased some yummy fudge!
We also had some surprise visitors on Christmas eve day. Gwen, Sarah and Tom stopped by on their way through town. We got to see how big girls eat solid foods and crawl. We'll see if Emmett learned anything from Gwen!
They sure have changed since their last photograph together 5 months ago!
All ready for Christmas eve mass! 
Our first Christmas together!
The loot!
Merry Christmas to Mommy and Emmett. 
Merry Christmas Grandma! 
Emmett loves his chewbeads!
Helping Daddy and Grandpa with a little project in the kitchen in his new wagon!
Someone really likes his new wagon! 
Emmett with Grandpa Frank.

We had a great Christmas at home with Grandma Pat and Grandpa Frank in attendance. It was nice not to have to travel so that we could relax a little bit. Although I think we were all exhausted when the weekend was over.
Over New Year's we traveled to Charles City where we celebrated Christmas with the Rottinghaus Clan. 58 people were in attendance this year. It was great to get to see Aunt Anne, Uncle Richard & Henry along with all of our other relatives.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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