Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Day

August 1st was Mommy's first day back at work and Emmett's first full day of daycare (hence no posts for over a week, I"ll try to be better - I promise!!).

Daddy had the difficult job of dropping him off. Did you know that Moms going back to work can be pretty hard on Dads too?? :)

Luckily, you wouldn't know that from this picture. He held himself together pretty well.. we both did! It is bittersweet seeing your little man grow up afterall. :)

Emmett had a great day at Daycare. He learned some sign language, met some new friends, slept a lot, ate a lot, and went to the bathroom a lot. I guess you could say he was a pretty typical 11 week old! He didn't have much of a reaction when Mommy came to pick him up later that day. I'd like to think it was because he had so much fun learning new things that he was just distracted, but I'll admit that I know it's actually because he's too little to truly recognize his Mommy just yet. Give it some more time, I guess!

It seems like Emmett has done a lot growing and changing this last week but we'll have to update you on that soon when he turns 3 months in just under 10 days. Time flies when you are having fun!

1 comment:

  1. Aww glad you both survived his first day of daycare! I can't believe he is already that old!

    Shari ;-)
