Thursday, March 3, 2016

Felix is 11 months old!

Our big guy turned 11 months on February 18th 2016. Time has really been flying by. He was really quite sick on his 11 month birthday. He had bronchiolitis - which is basically an inflammation of his lower airways. A not so funny story is that our doctor told us to take him to the ER on Tuesday evening (February 16th). She assumed we needed to be admitted. Luckily the doctor at the hospital determined he did not need to be admitted and sent us home after a 3.5 hour wait in the ER waiting room. Mom was not too happy with our pediatrician about that one. But, overall we are just glad Felix was ok. 
  • Felix is army crawling now. This started February 14th. 
  • I can tell he wants to say more words at this point..
  • No new teeth
  • Eating all finger foods
  • Still as easy-going as ever
  • Favorites are strawberries, bread, meat, cheese, raisins, crackers, etc. He eats just about anything.
  • Since this really bad cold started he decided he was done nursing and hasn't looked back since. I tried to supply breastmilk for a few weeks but have since run out of the stash I had frozen so he's on whole milk (as of end of February) and seems to like it.
  • We also stopped using bottles, although he really liked his bottles too! He's using avent sippy cups. They have a newer design that I like for the most part. 
  • He thinks he's a big boy when we stand him up to toys so he can play. Although, you can't leave him unattended yet. But, hoping to do it enough to build up his strength so he can walk holding our hands soon!
We are really enjoying seeing Felix's personality start to come to life. I am looking forward to getting to know him even more as he can begin to communicate with us more and more in the coming months/years. He is just the sweetest easy-going little guy and we couldn't have asked for more. So grateful to have little Felix Dillon as our son and as a part of our family. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Felix, 9 months

Since I never posted his 8 or 9 month update here's a few things I remember:

  • His first tooth popped through the day he turned 8 months old! He second tooth popped through the next day. haha. He hasn't gotten any teeth since then (he's now 10 months old)
  • He clapped a few times around the end of November (11.30.15) at 8 months old.
  • He began saying Mama on 11/24/15 at 8 months old as well. He reserves "mama" for when he is hungry or tired or just can't see me and wants to know where I went!
  • He's been doing a lot of rolling around on the floor these months. 
  • He still does not get his knees underneath himself to get crawling!
  • Eats lots of baby food but has begun to sometimes spit it out.

Felix is 10 months old

Felix turned 10 months old on January 18th 2016! 

  • He is such a big boy these days. He was 23 lbs even on his 9 month appointment and he has been gaining ever since.
  • He is not officially crawling but he goes everywhere! His preferred method of travel is rolling. He rolls, rotates around, scoots backwards on his tummy some, etc. He's a happy little guy and seems to get where he wants to go.
  • Felix no longer eats baby food. If we try giving him baby food he just spits it out at us. And then stares at us until we crack a smile.
  • His favorite foods seem to be fruits like grapes, strawberries, and mandarin oranges. He will eat just about anything though. He's a pretty big eater. :)
  • His favorite person for entertainment is Emmett followed closely by Hattie. You can just see the light in his eyes when they come around playing peekaboo and whatever else!
  • He loves to run his pointer finger over his lips to make noises. He also likes it when we do it to him or letting him try to do it to us!
  • Felix had an ultrasound this month under suspicion that he had undescended testicles. Those concerns were put to rest and he remains our perfect little guy!
  • He enjoys standing but needs support to do it - or supervision. :)
  • His hair is long and still curly (especially when wet or recently having had a bath). The new hair that is coming in is significantly lighter than the hair that he's kept since birth. I'm guessing whenever he gets a haircut it will seem a lot lighter.
  • He wears size 5 diapers and size 18 month clothing.
  • He's pretty ticklish and loves zerberts on his tummy and thighs. 
  • He loves music and sways from side to side when he hears a tune he likes (which is most any song). One of his favorites is "the fox song".
  • Bath time is still a favorite. He takes a bath with the big kids and enjoys it. No bumbo any longer! He's also brushing his teeth like a big boy with baby toothpaste.
  • He consistently sleeps through the night now. Thank the Lord!
We are really enjoying Felix and can't wait until he can run around and play more with the "big kids". He is still as easy-going as ever. As a side note, Hattie took this picture and it turned out to be the best one of the group of pictures we took. Maybe she has a future career in photography? :)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Felix is 7 months

Better late than never here! Felix turned 7 months on October 18th.
  • Still no teeth!
  • Just started to say "da-da" on November 5th. He also continues to say "gee", "goo", and a few other sounds. 
  • He rolls back and forth in all directions on the floor.
  • He has the sweetest laugh and smile.
  • Starting to prefer mom and be unsure of strangers
  • Eats lots of baby food! He might eat two containers of 2nd foods at dinner some days.
  • He likes to pound on his highchair with his hand.
  • He grabs anything he can get his hands on - hair, toys, binky, food, crinkly things like wrappers or bags (keeping the plastic bags well out of reach these days!). 
  • LOVES any attention he gets from big brother or sister - even if they are a little rough.
  • Still in 9 month clothing but growing out of it.
  • He's wearing size 4 diapers
  • He generally sleeps through the night until about 5am and then wakes to eat before going back to sleep until around 7am. 
Felix is such a sweet little guy!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Felix is 6 months

Felix turned 6 months old on September 18th! It's hard to believe. And quite a relief! I feel like you can take a little bit of a breather once you make it to 6 months. Things start to get a little easier..
  • Felix is now sitting up. He's gotten a lot better within the last week but we still have to keep a pillow behind him. After a while he will fall over and he usually cries!
  • He seems to be wanting to chew everything but no teeth yet
  • He's become very vocal and uses a lot of "AHH..." and variations of that. He also says "agoo" and "agee" and kind of spits when he does that. 
  • Felix really likes his baby food. He eats any kind and isn't picky. 
  • He has a few ticklish spots... they include his sides, under his chin, and the bottoms of his feet. He has the sweetest laugh! Love it.. there's just nothing sweeter.
  • He loves any affection he can get and is just appreciative when we turn his way.
  • Felix is getting more active. He smacks things with his hands - particularly when he's in his high chair. He also enjoys books - especially touching them and trying to put them into his mouth.. but he does like looking at the pictures and hearing our voices.
  • He is a chunky little guy and weighs over 20 pounds.
  • His hair has gotten a lot longer on the top and is still curly!
  • His eyes are sort of a hazel-brown color.
  • One of his favorite activities is taking a bath. He's been thrown into the tub with the big kids now and sits in his bumbo in the bathtub. He might get splashed a little from time to time but he tolerates it pretty well.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Felix is 5 months!

Felix turned 5 months old on August 18th. Time is flying by with this sweet and cuddly little guy.

  • We are rolling over all of  the time. Last weekend he started rolling over a lot from his back to his tummy. The first time he rolled from Tummy to back was July 12th. From back to tummy was August 15th that we know of. 
  • He still eats cereal usually twice a day at lunch time and at supper.
  • Felix is getting better at sleeping at night. We let him cry one night where we had been in his room multiple times and every time he would wake up within 15 minutes after we had left so we just let him cry. Since then his nights have been so much better and he's typically sleeping until 5am or later.
  • His favorite toy is his crinkly book. He loves to crunch it in his hands and eat it. He also loves playing in his jumperoo. He likes his jumperoo a little too much and is always happy there.
  • Felix does great at daycare. He's been there 5 days a week for 4 weeks now. At first he was a little cranky in the evenings but he seems to have adjusted now and is better. I usually feed him around 6pm and then again before bed (typically around 8). 
  • He's grown a lot since his 4 month doctor visit so I am guessing he weighs over 20 pounds at this point. He is still in 9 month clothing (although they are getting tight!) and size 3 diapers (getting tight as well). I'm thinking once the cooler weather hits I'll switch him over to his 12 month clothes. Thank the Lord for hand me downs from his big brother! It has been really nice to have those old clothes saved along with some new clothes as well.
  • Felix normally just takes 2 naps a day although sometimes he takes a short snooze in the evening before actually going down to bed.
  • He is still generally an easy going baby who tends to go with the flow (he pretty much has to while we round up #1 and #2 around here). He is patient and able to wait his turn for attention typically. 
  • Felix is still entertained by his big brother and beginning to take more interest in what his big sister has to tell him as well. We're looking forward to being able to play with him more as he gets older but for now we're enjoying having a baby around the house. :) Emmett has been very helpful in entertaining him in a pinch and putting his binky in his mouth for us when needed. 
  • He can pretty much sit up at this point as well. It seems strange to say that he can do this but he can. I haven't left him unattended to sit (even with a pillow or anything) but I'm pretty sure he could do it. I've noticed if I have him sitting between my legs on the floor he holds his own for quite a while. And there's a lot of him to hold so it's pretty amazing that he can do this. He'll be sitting unattended sometime in his very near future. 
We love you little five month old Felix. Life is definitely sweeter with you in it! <3

Friday, July 24, 2015

Felix is 4 months!

Felix turned 4 months old on July 18th. 

  • He finally slept through the night for the first time on July 20th! He woke up at 5:45am. I can't remember exactly what time he went to sleep though! It must have been around 7:30/8:00pm. Life is crazy. :)  Since then we have had 3 nights of sleeping through which is perfect timing because I was going to start sleep training him (not feeding him in the night with the possibility of letting him cry if needed).
  • He rolled over for the first time on July 12th. He went from tummy to back immediately after I laid him down. At first I thought it was just a fluke but then I put him back on his tummy and he did it again. He also did the same thing for my dad a few times this past weekend. So, I'm going to call it official. Still not much progress on rolling from back to tummy.
  • He starting to scoot on his back a little bit. I'll lay him down with his head in a certain part of his blanket and come back to his head still being where I left him but his feet are the other direction completely.
  • He is talking a lot more. He still uses his favorite word "ah-goo" all of the time but has introduced many more sounds that go along with that. We are looking forward to the words "mama and dada" but haven't heard them quite yet!
  • He seriously loves any attention anyone will give him! My mom said - well, he's the third child - he's happy with what he gets! I think she's right. His face lights up with a big smile if anyone talks to him. He'll also let anyone hold him happily (as long as he's not hungry or tired).
  • His eye color keeps changing. I still don't think it's the final color that he'll have for the rest of his life but it certainly appears to be more brown than anything else. It's pretty much hazel I'd say for now. 
  • Today is Mom's last day of maternity leave. Felix will be going to daycare full time next week. He loves it there and does well, but I'll certainly miss my extra time with him!
  • He's wearing 9 month clothing and size 3 diapers.
  • He's started to eat cereal in the evening. He typically takes a couple spoons full. He sucks on the spoon hoping it's a nipple of any sort and then when he realizes he isn't after a few bites he gets mad until Mommy picks him up. I think he is eating some of it though! 
  • He goes about 3 hours in between feedings now. He can go up to four hours at times depending on his nap schedule and what we're doing.
  • His hair is still curly! I'm obsessed with the cuteness of it. 
  • We found a birthmark under Felix's full head of hair. The doctor said it is a "stork bite" and will go away with time.
  • At his 4 month doctor visit he weighed in at 17lbs 10oz. (88%). He is 26.3 inches long (90%). His head is 44.5cm (>99%). The doctor said he looked nice and healthy. He certainly is. So grateful for this little (big) guy!