Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Nelson

The chill of winter is really setting in as the months and days tick away... waiting for the arrival of a brand New Nelson.
On December 22, 2010 we had our 20 week ultrasound. We were reassured to hear that everything is A-Ok! We opted not to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. It will be one more thing we can look forward to in May. Here are a few of the pictures of our precious babe..

A first glimpse at what the baby might look like. It may seem hard to tell, but we think it has its daddy's profile. :)

Thumbs up Mom and Dad!

My how we've grown thus far..

14 Weeks

16 Weeks

 20 Weeks

 22 Weeks

24 Weeks, taken today

We are trying to enjoy these last 4 months as well as use it to prepare for the arrival of our New Nelson. We look forward to sharing our experiences.


  1. Woo! Never thought I'd love looking at ultrasound pictures so much. :) You are looking so cute! Looking forward to reading about your family adventures together.

  2. FINALLY...I think this is really cool! I too am waiting in anticipation for the little one to arrive! Can't wait!!! :)

  3. You look great!!! I'm so excited to see you this weekend!

  4. What a great idea for a blog! You look amazing...keep the pictures coming! Love you!

  5. YAAH! I'm so excited you two are doing this!!! (Rustin-I look forward to some Bears Superbowl posts on here!!!;))

    Looks great so far! Excited to see you this weekend Lib and Baby!)
