Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Baby

Emmett's new obsession - his toy "baby". This is the Stella Doll (boy) that we gave him for his first Christmas. He has finally taken an interest in it.
"Open up, Baby!"

Emmett likes to take Baby's clothes off, try to put them on, and dunk baby in his basketball hoop. :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Flashback Video.. Hattie's first smile

In looking through some older videos I found this treasure... :) There is some random chitter chatter but the most special thing (thatI probably didn't want to admit at the time) is that it captured what I'm pretty sure was Hattie's first smile at only 1 month old on March 2nd. She smiled for her Grandma Pat.. then quickly wanted her Mama as babies do... She was so little!