Sunday, September 23, 2012

Little Walker

We officially have a little walker. As of September 2nd we decided to say that Emmett had officially begun walking. So he was about 15 1/2 months old. He was able to take apx 15 steps on his own. However, he has made huge strides since then. He now chooses to walk most of the time. It's amazing. He still falls down a lot but he doesn't seem to mind. It is so much easier to get around with him walking and I can now imagine being able to go somewhere carrying a baby and holding Emmett's hand. What a relief. :) He is doing a great job and it is so fun to see. Here is a video we took yesterday of Emmett walking.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Baby Nelson #2 is a Her!

We had our 20 week ultrasound today. It is good to know that Baby Nelson #2 looks to be healthy. Here are a couple of ultrasound pictures:

We also found out the gender of the baby today.. I was overcome with emotion when we found out. The ultrasound technician said - Do you see these three white lines? I said - Yes, it's a girl! We are extremely excited. It was also amazing how much she seems to look like Emmett from his 20 week ultrasound pictures seen here.