Thursday, April 19, 2012

Height Chair Comparison

Libby, 1983

Emmett, March 2012

11 Months!

Emmett Robert turned 11 months old on April 16th! Since our last update..
  • Emmett is now "getting around." I don't know if you'd refer to it as crawling BUT.. he is certainly on the move. He scoots on his bum, spins in circles and also moves forward and backwards in what I think I would call an army crawl. He's getting into things. This morning he found the remote and turned the TV on. Twice. Stinker. :)
  • He loves looking at books and having them read to him.
  • Emmett's favorite song is BINGO. It is the only thing that will cheer him up when stuck in the backseat for a long car ride. Sometimes I sing it on the way home and it always brings a smile to his face.
  • He shakes his head no and sometimes nods yes.. although most times it is just for fun.
  • He not only says "Dada"  but "Mama" as well now!
  • He's eating mostly finger foods - and lots of them. He will eat anything we put on his tray. He particularly enjoys meats and breads.
  • Emmett loves watching other children. He particularly gets excited when he sees an older children doing something fun like running, walking, playing basketball, pushing a grocery cart at the store or visiting him at our house.
  • He loves to grab people's noses, hair, cheeks and glasses.
  • Emmett thinks it is really funny to watch Mom or Dad blow their nose or brush their teeth. We brush Emmett's teeth now too and he thinks that is quite cool.
  • Emmett has had more problems with ear infections this month. He had one on March 8th, anothter on March 21st and a 3rd on April 16th. We go back to the ENT next week and will probably be scheduling when to do surgery for tubes. Poor little guy.
  • As a result of the ear infection problems we are in the process of transitioning Emmett to an in home daycare nearby. So far so good. Grandma Nelson has been helping out during this transition time as well. Emmett is a lucky boy!
It is hard to believe Emmett is almost 1 year old. We are preparing for a fun little birthday party next month. I can't believe my little baby is almost a toddler!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gettin' Closer!

What Mom? I'm busy trying to learn how to crawl!
Happy Boy!

Emmett now knows how to "crawl" in circles.