Saturday, March 17, 2012

10 Months!

Since our 9 month update..
  • We have new car seats! Emmett is now in his rear facing convertible seat. It is great not to lug around his heavy infant carrier. He enjoys being able to see so much more now as well.
  • Emmett took his first plane ride on February 17th. We went to visit the family in Virginia. It was a great weekend and he was a perfect little angel for his Mommy. Comments from the stewardessess - "Look at those eyes!" "Oh what long eyelashes!" and the comment that Rustin liked most - "He's just too pretty to be a boy!"
  • At Emmett's 9 month check up he weighed in at 21 pounds 3 oz (54th percentile) and was 29.3 inches long (76th percentile).
  • We are getting consistent sleep almost every night. Emmett goes down around 8pm now and gets up around 7am. What a blessing!
  • We were ear infection free for the entire month of February (yay!). However, Rustin took him in to the doctor's office on March 8th to find out he had yet another ear infection. After two "bad" nights we were almost glad that there was a medical reason for why we weren't able to get any rest! We are hoping that will be the last of his ear infections.
  • He is eating more and more solid foods. We are now trying to move towards more finger foods, less baby food - just when he was starting to really like it! We are not going to completely stop with baby food yet because it does fill him up, but are introducing any finger foods at this point per our doctor's recommendation - giving him what we are eating and hoping he eats it! He is pretty good about trying everything. He does not spit anything out but does make a face when something is new. Overall he is a great eater.
  • Still working on crawling! Although Emmett seems to be increasingly more mobile recently (twisting and turning all around) he has yet to make that leap. We recently discovered that Rustin too was a later crawler. He happened to crawl in his 10th month.. so it will be interesting to see what this month holds for sweet little Emmett!
  • Bath time has become a real treat for Emmett. He loves playing with his light up duckies that his great Aunt Michelle gave him at his baby shower. He chews on them, hits them together, and tries to smack them but ends up splashing water all over instead. It is great fun!
  • He does say "mama" from time to time, but only with his tongue sticking out. Silly!
  • Emmett smiles all the time. He is almost always happy! We really enjoy him.
  • Separation anxiety continues into his 10th month. When there are a lot of new people around he likes to be where he can see his Mommy and that is usually all it takes to make him feel secure.
Taking care of Emmett is a true joy. We love hearing him babble, seeing his excitement of trying/learning new things and just watching him grow. This is a really special stage in his life. I can't believe in two short months he will be one year old! The time has flown by and he is becoming more and more independent each day. We are so glad to have this little boy in our lives!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Get it Rockin'

This is not the typical behavior we have come to expect when taking our monthly picture.
I guess times are a changing! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Picture Update

Some of Emmett's favorite activities/toys/people..

Tummy Time!

Aunt Anne!

The Jumperoo! although we have not been using this much (if at all) anymore..

Swinging at the park!

The Baby Bjorn, his monkey sock hat.. AND Uncle Richard!

Emmett's Razberry.. and his Daddy!



Shoulder rides.. and Mommy!

Dinner Time!

Turning head to the side at dinner time!


Smiling!!!! :)