Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pregnancy Wives Tales

#1 Heart Beat
If the baby's heartbeat is <140 bpm it is said that you are having a boy; if it is >140 bpm it is said that you are having a girl.
According to this myth Baby Nelson is a... Girl.

#2 How you Carry the Baby
If you are carrying the baby low it is said that you are having a boy; if you are carrying the baby high it is said that you are having a girl.
According to this myth Baby Nelson is a... Boy.

#3 Cravings
If you are craving something sweet it is said that you are having a girl; if you are craving something salty it is said that you are having a boy.
According to this myth Baby Nelson is a... Girl.

#4 Weight Gain
If your husband has put on weight during your pregnancy it is said that you are having a girl; if he hasn't gained a pound then it is said that you are having a boy.
According to this myth Baby Nelson is a... Girl.

#5 Shape
If your belly is shaped like a basketball it is said that you will be having a boy; if your belly is shaped like a watermelon it said that you will be having a girl.
According to this myth Baby Nelson is a... Boy.

#6 Complexion
If your complexion is worse while pregnant it is said that you will be having a girl; if your complexion is clear it is said that you are having a boy.
According to this myth Baby Nelson is a... Boy.

So, it seems that there is no clear answer. The only reliable measure of the baby's gender is the ultrasound.. and since we didn't look then, we'll just have to wait until the actual birth. The more I think about it, the more I find that I am truly on team green. I want nothing more or less than a happy healthy baby.. and I will be more than happy with either gender! Although I must admit that I am very curious.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fresh Paint.. before and after

We have just started to feel more settled in our home since moving here in October. Once we finally had a signed lease from the renter for our townhome we were ready to move forward with a few improvements on our new place. First on the list was getting the main living areas painted.

Here are a few of the before and after shots:

Living Room Before...

And After...

Eat in Kitchen Before...
(Excuse the husband)

And After...

Kitchen before..

And After... 

Bedroom Before..
(Tray Ceiling)

And After... 

Stay tuned.. more improvements and transformations to come...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A New Nelson

The chill of winter is really setting in as the months and days tick away... waiting for the arrival of a brand New Nelson.
On December 22, 2010 we had our 20 week ultrasound. We were reassured to hear that everything is A-Ok! We opted not to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. It will be one more thing we can look forward to in May. Here are a few of the pictures of our precious babe..

A first glimpse at what the baby might look like. It may seem hard to tell, but we think it has its daddy's profile. :)

Thumbs up Mom and Dad!

My how we've grown thus far..

14 Weeks

16 Weeks

 20 Weeks

 22 Weeks

24 Weeks, taken today

We are trying to enjoy these last 4 months as well as use it to prepare for the arrival of our New Nelson. We look forward to sharing our experiences.